Since I fancy myself knowledgeable in all things style related, I want to share with you the first of my sartorial endorsements.
Christina will learn via this post that, not surprisingly, I found an outlet for my excessive per diem here in the Aloha state. Located on the uber retail strip Kalakaua Avenue here in Honolulu is Leather Soul, a high end mens shoe shop. Upstairs from the likes of Hermes, Fendi and Cartier, Leather Soul is on the third floor of an open air mall. I had sent owner Tom an email letting him know I would stop by, and Tom and the manager Matthew were friendly and knowledgeable and chatted at length about this, that and the other, despite the fact that I immediately mentioned that I had no intentions to buy. And looking around for a few I can state with certainty that Tom's selection of shoes is truly magnificent. John Lobb, Edward Green, Gaziano & Girling, Alden -- quite an impressive lot to look at.
Then the sale rack beckoned me.
I ended up picking the black shell cordovan Alden boots pictured above. Matthew threw in a tin of Alden paste wax (gratis) and told me to call him in 4-5 years when they would be ready for a recraft. I picked up a couple of recommendations for dinner and left a few quid lighter than I walked in. But very satisfied with the experience.
Thanks to Tom and Matthew at Leather Soul. Check them out online for some splendid kicks.
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