How cool was it then when we found out that he was kicking his United States book tour off in none other than Washington D.C.!! Who woulda thunk it? Well it was true. Not only was he to visit D.C. for a meet and greet and book signing, but it was taking place at Masa 14, a new restuarant about 5 minutes away from our apartment!!
After three long hours of waiting both inside and out, we made our way up to, and sat down next to the man himself. I was acutally nervous! I mean, it wasn't like I was walking up to shake the President's hand, but to me, Scott's photographs are an important part of my life.
You see, I'm a people person. I like to see people express themselves through fashion. That may sound shallow to some of you, but you're wrong. Fashion means personality, a sense of style shows character, it shows that you have perspective. It says something about who you are as a person. I like that Scott takes pictures of real people he sees on the street. Granted, he does take some pictures of celebrities and models...but the majority of the pictures he takes are of everyday people. People like you and like me.
Anyway, meeting Scott was great. I sat next to him and he signed my book on Giovanna's page, because she's my favorite. He said she was his favorite too! We chatted for a few, posed for a picture and wished him the best. Whatta nice guy, whatta rich guy! Getting a book published that's mainly of photographs is no small feat. Kudos Scott, we love ya!
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