**Arlington is a city, or suburb of DC in Virginia and let's just say, it's not that cool...sorry Cindy!
Anyway, I was out for drinks last Friday with my friend Cal and his boyfriend Josh, when out of nowhere came the Arlington Rap guy in all his glory. He looked just like I'd remembered from the video. Skinny, nerdy, and weird (he's actually really funny though).
You're probably wondering why this was exciting to me. Well, after living in D.C. for almost 4 years you come to realize that you're most likely not going to see any really famous people, so you make due with semi-famous people, or quasi-famous people, or not-really-famous-people-at-all...
It's typical to see a politician once in a while, or someone like George Stephanopoulos walking down the street, but other than that -- nothing. In NYC I've talked to Cameron Diaz, seen Tim Roth with his wife and baby, rode the subway with Henry Winkler (the Fonz), and called DL Hughly "Jamie Kennedy", and then "Jaime Foxx" when I was drunk at the Hudson bar. Whatever, I was close.
So in DC it's all about small victories. Arlington Rap guy is a small victory for me and I'm proud to have seen him. He is a true art-iste!
I felt like I was in the presence of royalty... Even though Christina had to remind me who that guy was b/c I never would have recognized him!